By Giuseppe RIVA
This article is to explain how CMC users are make order and create relationships out of miscommunication processes. The term, miscommunication is defined as “pare-down” form of conversation in virtual world due to the lack of social cues and rules without real social interactions between. So in CMC environment, personal identities tend to vanish.
There is an explanation about four particular form of miscommunication in CMC.
1.Flaming – offensive conduct like intense language, swearing, negative or hostile communication
2.Lurking – the behavior of the subscribers who rarely give contributions to the community group they are involved in, making their presence known
3.Spamming and bombing – “excess of words” in both synchronous and asynchronous forms
4.Identity deception - ① Identity concealment(hiding one’s identity) ② Category deception(age deception and status enhancement) ③ Impersonation
To make order out of CMC miscommunication, in other words like ‘what are the elements required for creating an interpersonal relationship between CMC users?”, three possible indexes like ①low level of formality ②trust and receptivity ③rate of information exchange are explained.
As for expressing meta-communicative features such as emotions, illocutionary force, etc the CMC doesn’t have, emoticons, social verbs and emotes are used. And the Miscommunication as a Chance Theory(MaCHT), the Positioning Theroy(PT), the Situated Action Theory(SAT), the Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effect(SIDE) and the Social Information Processing (SIP) perspective are mentioned are to try to counter CMC vision.
There are a few activities the CMC can perform as a process with which a group of social actors in a given situation negotiate the meaning of the various situations which arise between them. They are instant messaging, shared hypermedia, web-logs and graphical chats.
In conclusion, constantly emerging information technologies are changing the way people interact with computer as a predominant medium not only for interpersonal relationship, but also for the creation and management of information in a new psycho-social space. New selves are formed in this kind of cyber-world as a fluid form of networked communities.
So ‘how people can work with these new technologies in CMC cyber-world’ will be a constant big issue to make better connection with the rest of their lives in real world.
This article is to explain how CMC users are make order and create relationships out of miscommunication processes. The term, miscommunication is defined as “pare-down” form of conversation in virtual world due to the lack of social cues and rules without real social interactions between. So in CMC environment, personal identities tend to vanish.
There is an explanation about four particular form of miscommunication in CMC.
1.Flaming – offensive conduct like intense language, swearing, negative or hostile communication
2.Lurking – the behavior of the subscribers who rarely give contributions to the community group they are involved in, making their presence known
3.Spamming and bombing – “excess of words” in both synchronous and asynchronous forms
4.Identity deception - ① Identity concealment(hiding one’s identity) ② Category deception(age deception and status enhancement) ③ Impersonation
To make order out of CMC miscommunication, in other words like ‘what are the elements required for creating an interpersonal relationship between CMC users?”, three possible indexes like ①low level of formality ②trust and receptivity ③rate of information exchange are explained.
As for expressing meta-communicative features such as emotions, illocutionary force, etc the CMC doesn’t have, emoticons, social verbs and emotes are used. And the Miscommunication as a Chance Theory(MaCHT), the Positioning Theroy(PT), the Situated Action Theory(SAT), the Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effect(SIDE) and the Social Information Processing (SIP) perspective are mentioned are to try to counter CMC vision.
There are a few activities the CMC can perform as a process with which a group of social actors in a given situation negotiate the meaning of the various situations which arise between them. They are instant messaging, shared hypermedia, web-logs and graphical chats.
In conclusion, constantly emerging information technologies are changing the way people interact with computer as a predominant medium not only for interpersonal relationship, but also for the creation and management of information in a new psycho-social space. New selves are formed in this kind of cyber-world as a fluid form of networked communities.
So ‘how people can work with these new technologies in CMC cyber-world’ will be a constant big issue to make better connection with the rest of their lives in real world.
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